Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pumpkin Portraits: My Ella!

I walked into my brother and sister-in-law's house the other night, only to hear my brother say, "Ready Ella, go get her" and as I turned the corner, here comes my 14 month old niece walking/wobbling down  the length of their long hallway with her arms reaching towards me, and with this huge grin on her face. (She is just learning how to master the art of walking). Now if that doesn't make your day, I don't know what can!! She is just starting to walk and it's the cutest thing ever, complete with a hug at the end of every one of her walking adventures. I am so lucky to be able to see her so often and be such a big part of her life and love that I can capture these moments. A few weeks ago we went up to North Andover to a pumpkin festival that my sister found, complete with Hay Rides, Apple Picking, Pumpkin Picking, Music, Food and my seasonal favorite.....APPLE CIDER DONUTS!! I don't know who had more fun Craig, Mary, and myself or Ella! It's always a good time with them, they are some of my top favorite people to hang out with and I'm so happy to call them my family! We had a great time and here are some of the pictures from that day.

By the way, fall is coming to a close, unfortunately (since it's my favorite), so if you or anyone you know are interested in getting pictures of yourself, kids or family taken before the season is over contact me ASAP to get it scheduled :) An OFFICIAL website is in the works so stay tuned for that and I am booking weddings for next year, but have limited space, so please contact me as soon as possible if you are interested. Thanks! ~MC

And here are a few others taken during a weekend spent home in upstate NY...

My all time favorite. Ella with my oldest brother, her Uncle Scott...She is his best audience :)

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